LinkedIn Discussion Group
AGI hosts a very active and monitored discussion group about GD&T issues on LinkedIn. Click on this link Applied Geometrics GD&T Connection to request to join the group.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) developed the Y14.5 standard that defines GD&T. This group provides GD&T certifications at two levels (technologist and senior) for both the 1994 and 2009 standards. AGI courses can help you to prepare for the certification exam. Click here for more information about GD&T Certification and ASME.
Kotem’s SmartProfile
AGI is a qualified distributor of the SmartProfile software, one of the best programs for evaluating GD&T compliance based on a project’s measurement data and CAD model. For more information contact AGI at
RX Metrology
RX Metrology is a consulting company owned by Ray Xing, a Chinese native, currently based out of Ontario. AGI has partnered with Ray to present our courses in Chinese.
Pacific Inspection Co. (PIC)
PIC is a multi-line gaging product sales and service organization dedicated to applications and problem solving. Their philosophy is to sell and service the premier manufacturers of specific gaging product categories. We have partnered with PIC to present public GD&T classes in southern California and Tijuana, Mexico in both English and Spanish.